VAWM Resources

VAWM Position Statement on Mole-Catching, January 2023

1. The VAWM notes that under the Small Ground Vermin Order 1958, spring traps used for catching moles in their runs are excluded from legislation requiring spring traps to be approved.

2. The Humane Trapping Standards Regulations 2019, which institute in law the Agreement on International Humane Trapping Standards in Great Britain, do not extend to moles.  The Regulations require the death of the target animal within a time measured in seconds.  The VAWM calls upon the Government to consult on adding moles to the species the welfare of which is protected by these Regulations.

3. Recognizing that it may take time to find ways to protect the welfare of moles by the above measure without compromising the efficacy of mole control, the VAWM calls for an immediate statutory obligation for mole catchers to check their traps at intervals of not more than 25 hours.